- Budge, G.E., Burns, N., Takamatsu, D., Erler, S., Forsgren, E., Grossar, D., Hornitzky, M., Milbrath, M., Pufal, H., Tomkies, V., Wood, S., Yordanova, M. and Charrière, J.D. (2024) Standard methods for European foulbrood research 2.0. Journal of Apicultural Research, 63.
- Stainton, K., McGreig, S., Conyers, C., Ponting, S., Butler, L., Brown, P and Jones, E.P. (2023) Molecular Identification of Asian Hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax Prey from Larval Gut Contents: A Promising Method to Study the Diet of an Invasive Pest. Animals, 13, 511.
- Rowland, B.W., Rushton, S.P., Shirley, M.D., Brown, M.A. and Budge, G.E. (2021) Identifying the climatic drivers of honey bee disease in England and Wales. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
- Jones, E. (2021) Managing Asian hornet incursions with nest dissection and microsatellite marker analysis. Science for Environment Policy, 569.
- Ponting, S., Tomkies, V. and Stainton, K. (2020) Rapid identification of the invasive Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) using LAMP. Pest Management Science, 77 (3).
- Jones, E.P., Conyers, C., Tomkies, V., Semmence, N., Fouracre, D., Wakefield, M. and Stainton, K. (2020) Managing incursions of Vespa velutina nigrithorax in the UK: an emerging threat to apiculture. Scientific Reports, 10, 19553.
- Budge, G.E., Simcock, N.K., Holder, P.J., Shirley, M.D.F., Brown, M.A., Van Weymers, P.S.M., Evans, D.J. and Rushton,S.P. (2020) Chronic bee paralysis as a serious emerging threat to honey bees. Nature Communications, 11, 2164.
- Croft, S., Brown, M., Wilkins, S., Hart, A. and Smith, G, C. (2018) Evaluating European Food Safety Authority Protection Goals for Honeybees (Apis mellifera): What Do They Mean for Pollination? Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management,14 (6).
- Stainton, K., Hall, J., Budge, G.E., Boonham, N. and Hodgetts, J. (2018) Rapid molecular methods for in‐field and laboratory identification of the yellow‐legged Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax). Journal of Applied Entomology, 142(6).
- Mwebaze, P., Marris, G.C., Brown, M., MacLeod, A., Jones, G. and Budge, G.E. (2018) Measuring public perception and preferences for ecosystem services: A case study of bee pollination in the UK. Land Use Policy, 71, pp.355-362.
- Budge, G.E., Hodgetts, J., Jones, E.P., Ostojá-Starzewski, J.C., Hall, J., Tomkies, V., Semmence, N., Brown, M., Wakefield, M. and Stainton, K. (2017) The invasion, provenance and diversity of Vespa velutina Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Great Britain. PloS one, 12(9).
- Keeling, M.J., Franklin, D.N., Datta, S., Brown, M.A. and Budge, G.E. (2017) Predicting the spread of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) following its incursion into Great Britain. Scientific Reports, 7(1).
- Gillespie, M.A., Baude, M., Biesmeijer, J., Boatman, N., Budge, G.E., Andrew, C., Memmott, J., Morton, D.R., Pietravalle, S., Potts, S.G. and Senapathi, D. (2017) A method for the objective selection of landscape‐scale study regions and sites at the national level. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
- Keeling, M.J., Datta, S., Franklin, D.N., Flatman, I., Wattam, A., Brown, M. and Budge, G.E. (2017) Efficient use of sentinel sites: detection of invasive honeybee pests and diseases in the UK. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 14(129).
- Franklin, D.N., Brown, M.A., Datta, S., Cuthbertson, A.G., Budge, G.E. and Keeling, M.J. (2017) Invasion dynamics of Asian hornet, Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): a case study of a commune in south-west France. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 52(2).
- Jacques, A., Laurent, M., Ribière-Chabert, M., Saussac, M., Bougeard, S., Budge, G.E., Hendrikx, P., Chauzat, M.P. and EPILOBEE Consortium (2017) A pan-European epidemiological study reveals honey bee colony survival depends on beekeeper education and disease control. PloS one, 12(3).
- Martín-Hernández, R., Higes, M., Sagastume, S., Juarranz, Á., Dias-Almeida, J., Budge, G.E., Meana, A. and Boonham, N. (2017) Microsporidia infection impacts the host cell's cycle and reduces host cell apoptosis. PloS one, 12(2).
- Budge, G.E., Adams, I., Thwaites, R., Pietravalle, S., Drew, G.C., Hurst, G.D., Tomkies, V., Boonham, N. and Brown, M. (2016) Identifying bacterial predictors of honey bee health. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 141.
- Chauzat, M.P., Jacques, A., Laurent, M., Bougeard, S., Hendrikx, P., Ribière-Chabert, M. and EPILOBEE Consortium (2016) Risk indicators affecting honeybee colony survival in Europe: one year of surveillance. Apidologie, 47(3).
- Porrini, C., Mutinelli, F., Bortolotti, L., Granato, A., Laurenson, L., Roberts, K., Gallina, A., Silvester, N., Medrzycki, P., Renzi, T. and Sgolastra, F. (2016) The status of honey bee health in Italy: Results from the nationwide bee monitoring network. PLoS One, 11(5).
- Campbell, E.M., Budge, G.E., Watkins, M. and Bowman, A.S. (2016) Transcriptome analysis of the synganglion from the honey bee mite, Varroa destructor and RNAi knockdown of neural peptide targets. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 70.
- Delaplane, K.S., Pietravalle, S., Brown, M.A. and Budge, G.E. (2015) Honey bee colonies headed by hyperpolyandrous queens have improved brood rearing efficiency and lower infestation rates of parasitic Varroa mites. PloS One, 10(12).
- Delmiglio, C., Fan, Q.H., George, S., Ward, L., Budge, G., Flynn, A. and Kumarasinghe, L. (2015) Development and evaluation of a Real-Time PCR assay for the detection of Acarapis woodi (tracheal mites) in Apis mellifera. Apidologie, 47(5).
- Budge, G.E., Garthwaite, D., Crowe, A., Boatman, N.D., Delaplane, K.S., Brown, M.A., Thygesen, H.H. and Pietravalle, S. (2015) Evidence for pollinator cost and farming benefits of neonicotinoid seed coatings on oilseed rape. Scientific Reports, 5.
- Budge, G.E., Pietravalle, S., Brown, M., Laurenson, L., Jones, B., Tomkies, V. and Delaplane, K.S. (2015) Pathogens as predictors of honey bee colony strength in England and Wales. PloS One, 10(7).
- Roberts, K.E., Evison, S.E.F., Baer, B. and Hughes, W.O.H. (2015) The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees. Scientific Reports, 5.
- Roberts, K.E. and Hughes, W.O.H. (2015) Horizontal transmission of a parasite is influenced by infected host phenotype and density. Parasitology, 142(2).
- Thompson, C.E., Biesmeijer, J.C., Allnutt, T.R., Pietravalle, S. and Budge, G.E., (2014) Parasite pressures on feral honey bees (Apis mellifera sp.). PloS one, 9(8).
- Roberts, K.E. and Hughes, W.O. (2014) Immunosenescence and resistance to parasite infection in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 12.
- Morrissey, B.J., Helgason, T., Poppinga, L., Fünfhaus, A., Genersch, E. and Budge, G.E. (2014) Biogeography of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood, using a new multilocus sequence typing scheme. Environmental Microbiology, 17(4).
- Budge, G.E., Shirley, M.D., Jones, B., Quill, E., Tomkies, V., Feil, E.J., Brown, M.A. and Haynes, E.G. (2014) Molecular epidemiology and population structure of the honey bee brood pathogen Melissococcus plutonius. The ISME Journal, 8(8).
- Haynes, E., Helgason, T., Young, J.P.W., Thwaites, R. and Budge, G.E. (2013) A typing scheme for the honeybee pathogen Melissococcus plutonius allows detection of disease transmission events and a study of the distribution of variants. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 5(4).
- Mill, A.C., Rushton, S.P., Shirley, M.D., Smith, G.C., Mason, P., Brown, M.A. and Budge, G.E. (2013) Clustering, persistence and control of a pollinator brood disease: epidemiology of American foulbrood. Environmental Microbiology, 16(12). Further supporting information available here.
- Polce, C., Termansen, M., Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Boatman, N.D., Budge, G.E., Crowe, A., Garratt, M.P., Pietravalle, S., Potts, S.G., Ramirez, J.A. and Somerwill, K.E. (2013) Species distribution models for crop pollination: a modelling framework applied to Great Britain. PloS One, 8(10).
- Datta, S., Bull, J.C., Budge, G.E. and Keeling, M.J. (2013) Modelling the spread of American foulbrood in honeybees. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 10(88). More information on the model that charts the spread of American foulbrood can be viewed on the following link to a BBC News item on YouTube.
- Cuthbertson, A.G., Wakefield, M.E., Powell, M.E., Marris, G., Anderson, H., Budge, G.E., Mathers, J.J., Blackburn, L.F. and Brown, M.A. (2013) The small hive beetle Aethina tumida: A review of its biology and control measures. Current Zoology, 59(5), pp.644-653
- Evans, J.D., Schwarz, R.S., Chen, Y.P., Budge, G., Cornman, R.S., De la Rua, P., de Miranda, J.R., Foret, S., Foster, L., Gauthier, L. and Genersch, E. (2013) Standard methods for molecular research in Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52(4).
- Forsgren, E., Budge, G.E., Charrière, J.D. and Hornitzky, M.A., (2013) Standard methods for European foulbrood research. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52(1).
- De Graaf, D.C., Alippi, A.M., Antúnez, K., Aronstein, K.A., Budge, G., De Koker, D., De Smet, L., Dingman, D.W., Evans, J.D., Foster, L.J. and Fünfhaus, A. (2013) Standard methods for American foulbrood research. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52(1).
- Vanbergen, A.J. and Initiative, T.I.P. (2013) Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(5).
- Cuthbertson, A.G., Mathers, J.J., Blackburn, L.F., Powell, M.E., Marris, G., Pietravalle, S., Brown, M.A. and Budge, G.E. (2012) Screening commercially available entomopathogenic biocontrol agents for the control of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in the UK. Insects, 3(3).
- Martin, S.J., Highfield, A.C., Brettell, L., Villalobos, E.M., Budge, G.E., Powell, M., Nikaido, S. and Schroeder, D.C. (2012) Global honey bee viral landscape altered by a parasitic mite. Science, 336(6086).
- Van der Zee, R., Pisa, L., Andonov, S., Brodschneider, R., Charrière, J.D., Chlebo, R., Coffey, M.F., Crailsheim, K., Dahle, B., Gajda, A. and Gray, A. (2012) Managed honey bee colony losses in Canada, China, Europe, Israel and Turkey, for the winters of 2008–9 and 2009–10. Journal of Apicultural Research, 51(1).
- Evison, S.E., Roberts, K.E., Laurenson, L., Pietravalle, S., Hui, J., Biesmeijer, J.C., Smith, J.E., Budge, G. and Hughes, W.O. (2012) Pervasiveness of parasites in pollinators. PloS One, 7(1).
- vanEngelsdorp, D., Brodschneider, R., Brostaux, Y., Zee, R.V.D., Pisa, L., Underwood, R., Lengerich, E., Spleen, A., Neumann, P., Wilkins, S. and Budge, G. (2011) Calculating and reporting managed honey bee colony losses. Honey Bee Colony Health, pp.229-236.
- Glover, R.H., Adams, I.P., Budge, G., Wilkins, S. and Boonham, N. (2011) Detection of honey bee (Apis mellifera) viruses with an oligonucleotide microarray. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 107(3).
- Richards, E.H., Jones, B. and Bowman, A. (2011) Salivary secretions from the honeybee mite, Varroa destructor: effects on insect haemocytes and preliminary biochemical characterization. Parasitology, 138(5).
- Budge, G.E., Barrett, B., Jones, B., Pietravalle, S., Marris, G., Chantawannakul, P., Thwaites, R., Hall, J., Cuthbertson, A.G. and Brown, M.A. (2010) The occurrence of Melissococcus plutonius in healthy colonies of Apis mellifera and the efficacy of European foulbrood control measures. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 105(2)
- Campbell, E.M., Budge, G.E. and Bowman, A.S. (2010) Gene-knockdown in the honey bee mite Varroa destructor by a non-invasive approach: studies on a glutathione S-transferase. Parasites & vectors, 3(1).
- Andrew, G.S., Mathers, J.J., Blackburn, L.F., Brown, M.A. and Marris, G. (2010) Small hive beetle: the next threat to British honey bees? Biologist, 57(1).
- Bacandritsos, N., Granato, A., Budge, G., Papanastasiou, I., Roinioti, E., Caldon, M., Falcaro, C., Gallina, A. and Mutinelli, F. (2010) Sudden deaths and colony population decline in Greek honey bee colonies. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 105(3).
- de Miranda, J.R., Dainat, B., Locke, B., Cordoni, G., Berthoud, H., Gauthier, L., Neumann, P., Budge, G.E., Ball, B.V. and Stoltz, D.B. (2010) Genetic characterization of slow bee paralysis virus of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of General Virology, 91(10).
- de Miranda, J.R., Cordoni, G. and Budge, G. (2010) The acute bee paralysis virus–Kashmir bee virus–Israeli acute paralysis virus complex. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 103.
- Kajobe, R., Marris, G., Budge, G., Laurenson, L., Cordoni, G., Jones, B., Wilkins, S., Cuthbertson, A.G. and Brown, M.A. (2010) First molecular detection of a viral pathogen in Ugandan honey bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 104(2).
- Nguyen, B.K., Van der Zee, R., Vejsnæs, F., Wilkins, S., Conte, Y.L. and Ritter, W. (2010) COLOSS Working Group 1: monitoring and diagnosis. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49(1).
- Potts, S.G., Roberts, S.P., Dean, R., Marris, G., Brown, M.A., Jones, R., Neumann, P. and Settele, J. (2010) Declines of managed honey bees and beekeepers in Europe. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49(1).
- Cuthbertson, A.G.S. and Brown, M.A. (2009) Issues affecting British honey bee biodiversity and the need for conservation of this important ecological component. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 6(4), pp.695-699
- Tomkies, V., Flint, J., Johnson, G., Waite, R., Wilkins, S., Danks, C., Watkins, M., Cuthbertson, A.G., Carpana, E., Marris, G. and Budge, G., (2009) Development and validation of a novel field test kit for European foulbrood. Apidologie, 40(1).
- Adams, S.J., Fussell, R.J., Dickinson, M., Wilkins, S. and Sharman, M. (2009) Study of the depletion of lincomycin residues in honey extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Analytica Chimica Acta, 637(1-2).
- Becker, R., Vergnet, C., Maus, C., Pistorius, J., Tornier, I. and Wilkins, S. (2009) Proposal of the ICPBR Bee Brood Group for testing and assessing potential side effects from the use of plant protection products on honey bee brood. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, (423), p.43.
- Adams, S.J., Heinrich, K., Fussell, R.J., Wilkins, S., Thompson, H.M., Ashwin, H.M. and Sharman, M. (2008) Study of the distribution and depletion of chloramphenicol residues in bee products extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies. Apidologie, 39(5).
- Baker, R.H.A., Black, R., Copp, G.H., Haysom, K.A., Hulme, P.E., Thomas, M.B., Brown, A., Brown, M., Cannon, R.J.C., Ellis, J. and Ellis, M. (2008) The UK risk assessment scheme for all non-native species
- Cuthbertson, A.G., Mathers, J.J., Blackburn, L.F., Wakefield, M.E., Collins, L.E., Luo, W. and Brown, M.A., (2008) Maintaining Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) under quarantine laboratory conditions in the UK and preliminary observations on its behaviour. Journal of Apicultural Research, 47(3).
- Garrido, C., Carbú, M., Fernández-Acero, F.J., Budge, G., Vallejo, I., Colyer, A. and Cantoral, J.M. (2008) Isolation and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum spp. causing anthracnose of strawberry in South West Spain. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 120(4).
- Adams, S.J., Heinrich, K., Hetmanski, M., Fussell, R.J., Wilkins, S., Thompson, H.M. and Sharman, M. (2007) Study of the depletion of tylosin residues in honey extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Apidologie, 38(4).
- Thompson, H.M., Wilkins, S., Battersby, A.H., Waite, R.J. and Wilkinson, D. (2007) Modelling long‐term effects of IGRs on honey bee colonies. Pest management science, 63(11).
- Ward, L., Brown, M., Neumann, P., Wilkins, S., Pettis, J. and Boonham, N. (2007) A DNA method for screening hive debris for the presence of small hive beetle (Aethina tumida). Apidologie, 38(3).
- Ward, L., Waite, R., Boonham, N., Fisher, T., Pescod, K., Thompson, H., Chantawannakul, P. and Brown, M. (2007) First detection of Kashmir bee virus in the UK using real-time PCR. Apidologie, 38(2).
- Wilkins, S., Brown, M.A. and Cuthbertson, A.G., (2007) The incidence of honey bee pests and diseases in England and Wales. Pest Management Science, 63(11).
- Chantawannakul, P., Ward, L., Boonham, N. and Brown, M. (2006) A scientific note on the detection of honeybee viruses using real-time PCR (TaqMan) in Varroa mites collected from a Thai honeybee (Apis mellifera) apiary. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 91(1).
- Cuthbertson, A.G.S. and Brown, M.A. (2006) The value of the honey bee and the need for it to be protected. Biodiversity news, 35: 14.
- Cuthbertson, A.G. and Brown, M.A., (2006) Vital pollinators: honey bees in apple orchards. Biologist, 53(2).
- De Graaf, D., Alippi, A., Brown, M.A., Evans, J., Gregorc, A., Hornitzky, M., Pernal, S., Schuch, D., Titera, T., Tomkies, V. & Ritter, W. (2006) Diagnosis of American foulbrood: review of diagnostic methods. Letters in Applied Microbiology 43: 583-590
- Thompson, H.M., Waite, R.J., Wilkins, S., Brown, M.A., Bigwood, T., Shaw, M., Ridgway, C. and Sharman, M. (2006) Effects of shook swarm and supplementary feeding on oxytetracycline levels in honey extracted from treated colonies. Apidologie, 37(1).
- Thompson, H., Waite, R.J., Wilkins, S., Brown, M. A., Bigwood, T., Shaw, M., Ridgway, C., Sharman, M. (2005) Effects of European foulbrood treatment regime on oxytetracycline levels in honey extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies and toxicity to brood. Food Additives and Contaminants, 22: 573-578.
- Thompson, H.M., Wilkins, S., Battersby, A.H., Waite, R.J. and Wilkinson, D. (2004) The effects of four insect growth-regulating (IGR) insecticides on honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colony development, queen rearing and drone sperm production. Ecotoxicology, 14(7).
- Thompson, H.M. (2003) Behavioural effects of pesticides in bees–their potential for use in risk assessment. Ecotoxicology, 12(1-4), .
- Thompson, H., Ball, R., Brown, M. and Bew, M. (2003) Varroa destructor resistance to pyrethroid treatments in the United Kingdom. Bulletin of Insectology, 56.
- Thompson, H. and Wilkins, S. (2003) Assessment of the synergy and repellency of pyrethroid/fungicide mixtures. Bulletin of Insectology, 56(1).
- Waite, R.J., Brown, M.A., Thompson, H.M. and Bew, M.H. (2003) Controlling European foulbrood with the shook swarm method and oxytetracycline in the UK. Apidologie, 34(6).
- Waite, R., Brown, M. and Thompson, H. (2003) Hygienic behaviour in honey bees in the UK: a preliminary study. Bee World, 84(1).
- Waite, R., Jackson, S. and Thompson, H. (2003) Preliminary investigations into possible resistance to oxytetracycline in Melissococcus plutonius, a pathogen of honeybee larvae. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 36(1).
- Brown, M.A., Thompson, H.M. and Bew, M.H. (2002) Risks to UK beekeeping from the parasitic mite Tropilaelaps clareae and the Small hive beetle, Aethina tumida. Bee World, 83(4).
- Thompson, H.M., Brown, M.A., Ball, R.F. and Bew, M.H. (2002) First report of Varroa destructor resistance to pyrethroids in the UK. Apidologie, 33(4).
- Wilkinson, D. and Brown, M.A. (2002) Rearing queen honey bees in a queenright colony. American Bee Journal, 142(4).
- Wilkinson, D. and Smith, G.C. (2002) A model of the mite parasite, Varroa destructor, on honeybees (Apis mellifera) to investigate parameters important to mite population growth. Ecological Modelling, 148(3).
- Wilkinson, D., Smith, G.C., Hutton, S. and York, Y. (2002) Modelling the Efficiency of Sampling and Trapping Varroa destructor in the Drone Brood of Honey bees (Apis mellifera). American Bee Journal, 142(3).
- Lewis, G.B., Gough, H.J., Kunast, C., Thompson, H.M. and Stevenson, J.H. (2001) The use of toxic standards in the honey bee acute toxicity test. COLLOQUES-INRA, pp.149-158.
- Thompson, H.M. (2001) Assessing the exposure and toxicity of pesticides to bumblebees (Bombus sp.). Apidologie, 32(4).
- Thompson, H.M.,(2001) Assessing the exposure and toxicity of pesticides to bumble bees. In: Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, Proceedings of the 7th ICPBR Bee Protection Symposium, Avignon. Edited by Belzunces, L.P., Pelissier, C. & Lewis, G.B., published by INRA, Paris.
- Thompson, H.M. and Barrett, K.A. (2001) Assessing the effects of a glasshouse application of a novel insect growth regulator on bumble bee colonies. In: Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, Proceedings of the 7th ICPBR Bee Protection Symposium, Avignon. Edited by Belzunces, L.P., Pelissier, C. & Lewis, G.B., published by INRA, Paris.
- Thompson, H.M. and Brown, M.A. (2001) Is contact colony treatment an effective control for European foulbrood? Bee World, 82: 30-138.
- Thompson, H.M. and Folkard-Ward, H. (2001) Toxicity of realistic combinations of pyrethroids and fungicides to honeybees. In: Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, Proceedings of the 7th ICPBR Bee Protection Symposium, Avignon. Edited by Belzunces, L.P., Pelissier, C. & Lewis, G.B., published by INRA, Paris.
- Wilkinson, P.D., Thompson, H.M. and Smith, G.C. (2001) Modelling biological approaches to controlling varroa populations. American Bee Journal, 141: 511-516
- Thompson, H.M., and Barnett, E.A. (2000) Pesticides and Honeybees, Central Association of Beekeepers.
- Thompson, H.M. and Brown, M.A., (1999) The role of the National Bee Unit in controlling statutory bee diseases. Bee World, 80: 132-139.
- Thompson, H.M. and Hunt, L.V. (1999) Extrapolating from honeybees to bumble bees in pesticide risk assessment. Ecotoxicology, 8: 147-166.